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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back To Blogging

I cannot believe I haven't blogged in over a year!! How sad is that!? My new goal is to blog at least once a week! I can do it! :) I have so much to catch up on from this past year. Holy Cow! Hopefully I can get somewhat caught up... We'll see! 

We've been pretty busy this fall. I'm working full time doing "variable" shifts, which I hate because it's so hard to switch back and forth from days to nights. My body finally gets used to one schedule and then it switches again...I'm not sure how much longer I can last. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees...and insurance :)! 

Steve's been so busy with school and interviews. He applied to med school this summer and so far has had an interview in Galveston, and one at the U. He has two more coming up in the next two weeks. One in Fort Worth, Texas and another in Kirksville, Missouri. We're still waiting to hear back from a few other schools so it will be interesting to see where we'll end up next summer. 

Mack is growing like a weed! He is seven months now and almost has two teeth! No crawling yet, which kind of makes my life a little easier, but I'm sure he'll be all over the place before I know it. He nods and shakes his head at things. I don't think he knows what he's nodding and shaking at, but he sure likes it! And Steve and I always get a good laugh when he ends up nodding or shaking his head just at the appropriate time. He's been so much fun and he just keeps getting better! I love my little Macky. 

Since we've been so busy and kind of crazy, it feels like we don't have much time to get out. I had work on Sunday night but we still made a quick visit up to Payson Lakes with my family for a little picnic. We were only up there for about an hour and a half because I had to get home, but it was just so nice to have a little family time and enjoy fall. It's so beautiful up there right now! I want to go back again this week! I loved it!

I love this kid so much!

 This is Mack's favorite thing! Every time Steve holds him out like this he gets the biggest smile on his face, laughs, and twirls his wrists. That's right! Twirls his wrists haha. Whenever he gets excited he can't twirl them fast enough. I love it!

This face kills me!

  I love these guys so much! Little Eva is the cutest! It was colder than we thought it was going to be and Allison forgot a jacket for Eva. Luckily I had an extra one in my diaper bag but poor girl had to look like a little boy for a few hours. 

Baby Eva

Eva hanging out with uncle Daren

 There's a path that goes all the way around the lake. After we ate lunch we took a stroll around and it was absolutely gorgeous!

This little guy was in heaven. He loves walks. 

All the girls
